
The first step on our sustainability journey is caring. Caring for the planet and caring about how our actions impact it. 

Sustainability For All: Welcome to WeCare

According to Forbes, 77% of people want to learn how to live more sustainably, yet many don’t know where to start. Recycling more? Carpooling? Is it easier to begin with small habit changes, like switching off the lights at home, or bigger changes— like investing in an electric car?

To help bridge the gap to living greener, ecoATM is officially launching WeCare.

WeCare is an interactive Instagram series to help make sustainable living a little bit easier. In teaming up with planet advocates from all walks of life, we’re featuring them, their journeys, and their go-to tips on social media to teach easily integrable living lessons into daily life.

Built to inspire collective action, WeCare will help teach us easily adaptable ways to conserve and nurture our planet in everyday life— because sustainable living should be accessible for everyone and anyone.  

Kamea Chayne kicks off WeCare with her first insight on sustainability:

“While we may feel a great sense of urgency, as we should, to act now to address everything that's wrong, I want to encourage us to take a moment this week to slow down, to sit quietly in a space that feels safe and grounding, and to allow our feelings of love, passion, care, and respect for our life-giving Earth to fully and completely wash over us... to remember who we are and where we come from, who we are interdependent with to survive and thrive, and what it is that's driving our dedication to protect our home and those we love...If you feel called to speak your (re)commitment out loud, I would love to hear: What is it that motivates you to show up again and again for our Earth? And who are your acts of care for?”

You can follow the WeCare campaign on Instagram at @ecoatm. Have a sustainability tip to submit to WeCare? Want to share your green journey? We’re all ears. Send us a private message or comment on a WeCare post and we’ll feature our favorite tips on our Instagram story weekly!